Practice Stewardship: It’s Easy

1) Stewardship is Intentional.

     It is not Stewardship if all you are doing is throwing some money into the collection plate or waiting until you are asked to help. Stewardship is built on our intention to give our best to God when we are praying, when we are working, when we are relaxing and when we are giving.

2) Stewardship is Proportional.

     Stewardship is not giving everything over to God, but giving a proportion of our blessings as we are best able. Stewards pay their bills, care for their family, go on vacation and give generously to God, as they are able. If you are just beginning to practice Stewardship, start by increasing your Sunday offering a small amount–just enough to make you feel uncomfortable. If it is the right amount, you will find you still have enough to do all you need. Over time, increase your offering, your volunteerism, your overall Stewardship until you have reached the right proportion for you.

3) Stewardship is Sacrificial.

     If the amount you give does not make you wonder if you gave too much, then it is too little. Stewardship, whether Time, Talent or Treasure should not break you, but it should “push” you a little as you learn to use your gifts fully to give glory to God.