Opt-Out from Media Use

We respect your privacy and understand that you may not wish to be photographed, filmed, or recorded during our events. If you prefer not to have your image used in our communications, please follow the instructions below.

Opt-Out Instructions:

Online Opt-Out:

If you prefer not to be photographed, filmed, or recorded during an event (including your child/children), please fill out the Online Media Opt-Out Form below at least 24 hours before the event. Be sure to upload a picture or ‘selfie’ so we may identify and remove your image(s). We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your request.

In-Person Opt-Out:

If you prefer not to be photographed, filmed, or recorded during an event, please fill out the Media Opt-Out Form and submit it to the Rectory Office before the event. You can also notify the photographer/videographer on-site.

Post-Event Withdrawal:

If you wish to withdraw your consent for the use of your image after the event, please complete the Media Opt-Out Form (Online or In-Person). Be sure to upload a picture or ‘selfie’ so we may identify and remove your image(s). We will make reasonable efforts to remove your image from our communications and platforms.